- Deliver Innovation Certified Training Programs (CInP, CDTP, CInS, CCInO, AInA) – GInI
- Conduct Customer Survey Study, for all Ajman Governments.
- Conduct Employee Survey Study, for all Ajman Governments.

- Develop Integrated Innovation Management System
- Conduct Innovation Maturity Assessment
- Conduct External Assessment of Accredited Innovation Lab (AInL)
- Deliver Innovation Certified Training Programs – GInI
- Raising the readiness of organizational excellence

- Content Management System
- Develop Mobile Application
- Design Ajman Census Report
- Design Ajman Statistical Report

- Conduct the External Assessment of Accredited Business Incubator (ABI).

- Conduct Innovation Maturity Assessment
- Develop Integrated Innovation Management System
- Design the Innovation Business Unite Structure
- Design Innovation Lap
- Deliver Innovation Certified Training Programs – GInI
- Develop the Strategic and Operational Plan for Innovation and Business Development Center.

- Deliver Innovation Workshops