Innovation is an important way to create and support business development. Creativity generates innovative ideas, and innovation transforms organizations into leading worldwide organizations by transforming those created ideas into innovative projects and initiatives.
We at SARI consulting offers clients with Innovation Management services encompassing:
Organizational Innovation Maturity Assessment.
Individuals Innovatioan Maturity Assessment (360 survey).
Integrated Innovation Management System.
- GInI Innovation Management System.
- ISO 56002 Innovation Management System
Innovation Strategy Development.
Innovation Business Unit Structuring.
Measuring Return on Innovation (ROI) / Innovation Impact.
Innovation Portfolio Management.
Raising readiness to participate in Local & International Innovation Awards.
Generating creative ideas & solutions by using:
- Design Thinking Approach
- Google Design SPRINT
Intellectual Property (IP) Assets, recognize, value, record, enhance, exploit, and protect of:
- Trademarks
- Patents
- Copyrights
- Industrial designs
Innovation Certification & Accreditation
- Certified Innovative Organization (CInOrg)
- Certified Government Innovative Organization (CGInO)
- Innovation Endorsement (InE) for Innovative Projects
- Accredited Innovation Training Program (AInTP)
- Accredited Innovation Education Program (AInEP)
- Certified Innovation Associate (CInA)
- Accredited Innovation Lab (AInL)
- Recognized Innovator (RIn) for Individuals
- Certificate ISO TS-16555 Innovation Management System